Comprehensive Data

Bowker's 50+ million book data records cover print, ebook, audiobook, as well as audio and visual materials, worldwide.

Authoritative Data

As the official ISBN agency of the United States and Australia, and including data from LibraryThing and other industry-leading partners, our data provides accurate, authoritative, and enriched bibliographic metadata and content.

Flexible Data

Bowker delivers data however you need it, with APIs, data feeds, and JavaScript implementations available. We'll work with you to find the solution that best fits your needs.

Book images

About Bowker

Since 1872, Bowker has been the world's leading provider of bibliographic information designed to help publishers, booksellers, libraries, authors, and others. Creators of products and services that make books easier for people to discover, evaluate, order, and experience, Bowker is the official ISBN Agency for the United States and its territories and Australia.

LibraryThing Data

LibraryThing data builds off the personal and social cataloging site,, with site members adding more than 150 million books and 170 million tags.

Our data enables features like:
Series and Series Recommendations
Series and Series Recommendations
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